College Green Nursery School & Services

The Heart of Learning - Adventurous, Courageous, Extraordinary

161 College Road, London, NW10 3PH

0208 969 2179

Its 2021 and due to circumstances we have not been able to hold our normal school fundraising events that everyone has so enjoyed in previous years. However, our superhero parents, pupils and governors have instead taken it apon themselves to organise some amazing suprise fundraising!  Thank you College Green Community, we are really feeling the love and support.

Firstly earlier in the year Paul Foley arranged a sponsered haircut and raised a massive £4720 for the school, this has been gratefully recieved and will go towards the fund for our 'Barefoot Garden!  Thank you Paul

Secondly - When parents heard that College Green couldn't hold its usual summer fair because of the world pandemic, they decided to try and raise funds with bake sells and challenges at home in their garden, one child set himself a series of challenges including climbing a giant sand dune in under ten seconds, running down sideways like a crab, jumping one metre long,doing ten pressups,catching a crab, doing a backflip and wheelbarrowing to the finish line. This is his film -  

The parents of CGSS 2020 -2021 raised a grand total of £ 1,129 this is  remarkable we are most grateful and use this for the benefit of future children.